
Standing orders

If you would like to set up a standing order for your giving, simply contact your bank and give them the following information:

Account name: St. Saviour’s Church, Craigavon
Sort Code: 95 03 71
Account number: 71036203


Many people contribute to the life of the church through weekly FWO (freewill offering) Envelopes. If you’d like to give in this way, contact our treasurer by email.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is an important source of income for our church. If you are a tax payer and fill out a Gift Aid form, we can claim back 25p in every £1 that you pay into the church at no extra cost to you. It doesn’t matter if you are retired or not – as long as you pay tax. If you are unsure if you have filled out a Gift Aid form in the past we can check for you.

Amazon Smile

You can support St. Saviour’s when you shop on Amazon – at no extra cost to you! Use this Amazon Smile link (, sign in using your usual Amazon account details and do your shopping as normal. St Saviour's will receive 0.5% of the net purchase price of your shopping. We have NO ACCESS to your information – we DON'T see your name or what you've bought.

Other ways to give

Our parishioners contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways. This page refers specifically to financial giving, but there are many other ways you can give to St Saviour’s. Visit our Events and Organisations pages to find out other ways to get involved.